
What is a Carbon-neutral Management Innovation Voucher Project?

About Project

Establishing a low-carbon management system through carbon-neutral consulting and customized package support for SMEs with high carbon reduction potential

Support Provided

· Project Scale: KRW 10 billion
· SMEs in Manufacturing with recent average sales (3 years) of KRW 12 billion or less(Focused Support for 10 Carbon-intensive Industries)

10 Carbon-intensive Industries
1. Primary Metal Manufacturing Industry
2. Automobile & Trailer Manufacturing Industry
3. Non-metallic Mineral Product Manufacturing Industry
4. Textile Product Manufacturing Industry (excluding Clothing)
5. Rubber & Plastic Product Manufacturing Industry
6. beverage industry
7. Manufacturing of pulp, paper and paper products
8. The manufacture of coke, briquettes and petroleum products
9. Manufacturing of chemicals and chemicals (excluding medicines)
10.Manufacturing of metal processed products (excluding machinery and furniture)

· Subsidy Ratio: 90% (Government Subsidy), 10% (Corporate Contribution)

Service Program –
Carbon-neutral Management Innovation Consulting (Limit: KRW 20 million)

(Carbon Level Diagnosis)
Support for energy usage status analysis, carbon inventory and management system establishment, carbon capacity strengthening training, etc.
(In-depth Consulting)
Support for carbon reduction such as process improvement and efficiency, eco-friendly product development commercialization, carbon reduction target setting and innovation activities, etc.


01 Application & Submission
Innovation Voucher Platform
July 12 - July 30
02 Evaluation & Selection
Evaluation & Final Regional Committee
Early August to Late September
03 Agreement Conclusion
Management Agency & Selected Company (Payment of Corporate Contribution)
Early October to Mid October
04 Voucher Issuance & Project Execution
Performing Organization Matching & Project Execution
Late October
How to Apply Project Application after Logging in to the Manufacturing SME Innovation Voucher Website Go to Voucher Application